A Poster to Put in your Window!
Simply print out this poster, let your child (or you) color it in, and post it in your window! We want all of the neighborhood support we can get!
To download this flyer to print, click here.

A Post for Your FB Pages/Groups
Text for your post:
The Potrero Hill Garage Sale will be happening all over the Hill Sunday, 4/24 from 9am-3pm! This is to benefit the PH Neighborhood House, and by extension, our community. So if you are a neighbor, take part! Donate! Show up! If you are from another neighborhood and want to attend some great garage sales, come on out! Learn more at: https://www.phnhsf.org/potrerohillgaragesale
To download this image to post, click here.

A Post for Instagram or Twitter
To download this image to post, click here. Text for your post:
The Potrero Hill Garage Sale will be happening all over the Hill Sunday, 4/24 from 9am-3pm! This is to benefit the PH Neighborhood House, and by extension, our community. So if you are a neighbor, take part! Donate! Show up! If you are from another neighborhood and want to attend some great garage sales, come on out! Learn more at: https://www.phnhsf.org/potrerohillgaragesale
#GarageSale #SF #SanFrancisco #Thrifty #FreeEvents #PotreroHill #PHNABE #Frisco #GoatHill #BeKind
Media Kit